Haven MagazineSep 1CocktailDirty Martini1.5 ounces gin or vodka 1 ounce olive brine .5 ounce dry vermouth In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, add vodka or gin, brine, and dry...
Haven MagazineJul 31CocktailFunky Fizz1 sorbet, any flavor 1 bottle of prosecco This couldn’t be easier or more delicious. Take a scoop of your favorite sorbet and pour...
Haven MagazineJul 1CocktailCucumber & Gin Fizz1 cup gin 1 cup cucumber, chopped ¼ cup lime juice ½ jalapeno, sliced (or to taste) 4 tablespoons simple syrup Tonic water cucumbers &...
Haven MagazineMay 28CocktailBlackberry Smash2 oz. gin 15 blackberries 7 basil leaves 1 oz. simple syrup 1 oz. lemon juice club soda In a cocktail shaker, muddle the fresh...
Haven MagazineApr 29CocktailThe Wideawake1 cup Licor 43 4 cups cold brew coffee ½ cup oat milk In a large jar or pitcher with a lid, add all ingredients and shake. Pour over ice,...